To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Mabo Day the NFSA creates a special DVD for our Black Screen program to lend to communities around Australia. The compilation draws together footage from the NFSA collection, telling the story of Eddie Mabo and the High Court’s landmark decision to strike down ‘terra nullius’, acknowledging the occupation of the land by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people before the arrival of Europeans. The compilation is distributed to Indigenous communities free of charge for the anniversary year.
Titled From Malo’s Law to Native Title: 1898 to 1998 (2012), the compilation draws on the Film Australia Collection title Mabo: Life of an Island Man (1997). Gail Mabo, daughter of Eddie Mado, is a special guest at the DVD launch and traditional Torres Strait Islander dance group Zenadh Kes Mari perform.
After Mabo on australianscreen