11 December 1935
The National Historical Film and Speaking Record Library is established.
The Paton Committee decides not to establish the Film Division as a separate organisation. Instead, it is attached to the new National Library of Australia.
1959: The Film Division, later known as the National Library’s Film Collection and Services, joins FIAF.
1972: Jedda (1955) becomes the first restoration project, returning the severely faded film to its original full-colour appearance.
1972: The library creates the National Film Archive within Film Collection and Services. Ray Edmondson leads the team of seven.
May 1974: The National Library creates its Music Section.
June 1975: Salute to Australian Film is the first large-scale retrospective of Australian cinema, presented over two weeks as part of the Sydney Film Festival. The National Film Archive supplies prints.
1977: Silks and Saddles (1921) is the National Film Archive’s first silent film reconstruction. It screens at the Sydney Film Festival.

Film Division staff at the National Library of Australia, 1973. NFSA Title: 791074

Film racks at the National Library of Australia, 1979. NFSA Title:790853

Peter Burgis with Edison phonograph, and wax cylinder,1979. NFSA Title: 566059